Back to Big
After 1 year and more using 0.2mm ink , i come back to large and big picture : Let move...
After 1 year and more using 0.2mm ink , i come back to large and big picture : Let move...
A work on a Brassens picture Render : 2 mm rounded head - MOLOTOW Black ink / then red 15000...
Work continue on FrancoisDubeau.com "Danseuse" was vectorized in 1200 lines (600 for the previous) Ink density has been corrected (a...
Remember to check FrancoisDubeau.com !!! For this work , the try is about color and ink density The wall drawing...
Lot of work to render this particular awesome artist : Francois Dubeau Check it now, the gallery is great :...
25 cm width Molotow 2mm round head
New render with drawing machine improvement still some vibration ... depending of the drawing speed render : molotow 2mm round...
Time to play a bit before next improvement of the drawing machine SRC file : 1400 px form Blame 1...
This test is about to calculate (approximatively) the distance before reload an Molotow with a 2 mm round head Each...
First masterpiece ! Src file : 800 pix width Render :40 cm width Bacground in Pastel Chalk light blue :...
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